From July 1, 2019 to September 22, 2019
Could “raw photography” be classified as art brut (“raw art”), as defined by Jean Dubuffet? If so, it would include shots, prints, photomontages and photo collages created by self-taught artists, developed outside of conventional art circles, in contexts such as mental institutions, solitude and marginality, both in cities and rural areas. Throughout the years, collector Bruno Decharme, along with abcd (art brut connaissance & diffusion), an art brut research center, has been putting together an exceptional collection of more than 300 photographs or images using photography created by 45 artists. This exhibition addresses four central themes (“Private Affairs”, “Reformating the world”, “Performing, or another I”, “Warding off the reality”) and its aim is to grasp and introduce this art form to the public, art brut being a concept studied by few despite its significant and fascinating field.
With works by Horst Ademeit, Morton Bartlett, Marcel Bascoulard, John Brill, Eugene Von Bruenchenhein, Felipe Jesus Consalvos, Aloïse Corbaz, Jesuys Crystiano, Henry Darger, Charles Dellschau, John Devlin, Curzio Di Giovanni, Fumiho Endo, F., Karel Forman, Pepe Gaitan, Giovanni Galli, Pietro Ghizzardi, Lee Godie, Yoann Goetzmann, Kasuo Handa, Marian Henel, Mark Hogancamp, Paul Humphrey, Zdenek Kosek, Alexandre Lobanov, Tomasz Machcinski, « Margret », Alexandre Medvedev, Donald Mitchell, Albert Moser, Edward Nadgrodzki, Norma Oliver, Photos Spirites, Lubos Plny, Ilmari Salminen, Milton Schwartz, Ted Serios, Valentin Simankov, Leopold Strobl, Ichio Sugino, Elke Tangeten, Dominique Theate, Miroslav Tichy, Ufos, Elisabeth Van Vyve, August Walla, Melvin Way, Adolf Wölfli and numerous anonymous persons.
Exhibition curators: Paula Aisemberg, Bruno Decharme, Barbara Safarova and Sam Stourdzé.
Exhibition produced in collaboration with American Folk Art Museum, New York.
Publication: PHOTO BRUT collection Bruno Decharme & Cie, Flammarion, abcd and AFAM, 2019.
